Friday, 21 December 2007

Murdo's week with Saga


Now I´m at Sagas home, Wednesday 12 Dec. Before coming home I saw the movie„Ladybug´s Christmas” with Saga's class at school, it was fun. In the afternoon we went to a christmas café at Saga's old kindergarden, Piilupesa. I just love the things they've done there, gingerbread houses, Santa Claus, the lemonade tasted also alright.

Thursday 13 Dec

Oh, this morning was tough, had to get up at 5am! Singing Luciasongs with lights on my head! But it was fun, a new experience. In the late afternoon I went with Saga to h
er training, she is doing circustraining, wow how she can bend her body! And after that straight ahead to look at a traditional Swedish lucia celebration in the Swedish church in Old Town, Tallinn, beautiful.

Friday 14 Dec
Been on a trip with the class to a christmasplace, Kotkuland, situated near Paide, that´s the city that´s called „the heart of Estonia“ because you´re in the middle of Estonia when you´re in Paide.
Saturday 14 Dec
Went to see a competition, girls competing in rollerskating. Girls were in lovely, and some funny, dresses, spinning around! Had pizza for lunch, jummi! Circustraining in the evening, 5pm - 8pm.

Sunday 16 Dec

Baking ginger cookings and decorating them, It´s so fun!
Monday 17 Dec
Sick today, in bed all day playing gameboy, and some TV-watching.

Tuesday 18 Dec
School! Went with the local bus from school to home in the afternoon. Last night with Saga, tomorrow new adventures!

Bye bye!

Christmas with Saga


Now I´m at Sagas home, Wednesday 12 Dec. Before coming home I saw the movie„Ladybug´s Christmas" with Sagas class at school, it was fun.

In the afternoon we went to a Christmas café at Sagas old kindergarden, Piilupesa. I just love the

things they done there, gingeraleshouses, santa claus, the lemonade tasted also alright.

Thursday 13 Dec

Oh, this morning was tough, had to get u

p at 5 am! Singing Luciasongs with lights on my head! But it was fun, a new experience. In the late afternoon I went with Saga to her training, she is doing circustraining, wow how she can bend her body! And after that straight ahead to look at a traditional Swedish lucia celebration in the Swedish church in Old town, Tallinn, beautiful.

Friday 14 Dec

Been on a trip with the class to a christmasplace, Kotkuland, situated near Paide, that´s the city that´s called „the heart of Estonia“ because you´re in the middle of Estonia when you´re in Paide.

Murdo met Birgit's cat

Dear Scottich friends,

How are you before Christmas? We have a nice time in Estonia, but we are missing snow. I have a lot of friends in Estonia, for example Birgit's cat. In the picture I sleep with Birgit's cat. I like to sleep with her, because she has got so soft fur.

Here I'm visiting friend of Miisu. We played together and I told her about Scotland.

Best regards,


Thursday, 6 December 2007

On Saturday Juta came home with me , Zoe and was cooking very , very tasty cup cakes. She was a good girl and followed all of the instructions. She had so much fun! She didn't want to stop but she had to!
It was nearly bed time but she really wanted to meet some of my other teddies I could hardly say no!She made really good friends with them in the week and sadly she had to say goodbye to them. she had great fun with them!

It was getting late , Juta was tired ,so she went to bed. She got all cosed in and fell asleep! Juta felt really refreshed for a new day!

It was 5:00 tea time! Juta was very hungry! so she had spaghetti hoops she loved them!
Juta sends love to all her friends in Estonia, see you soon!

Cup Cakes

On Saturday Juta was making some very very tasty cup cakes. She had LOTS of fun! fo

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Murdo's week with Marti!

Hi guys!

It's cold and windy here in Estonia. Sometimes it's snowing too. I mostly spent my time inside the house because Marti felt a bit tired. But I did listen to the music and watched movies, I enjoyed it very much.

Marti and Estonians were celebrating the 'kadripäev' (Kadri's Day) this weekend. It's mostly the same as yours Halloween. Kids will wear white clothes and will visit neighbours and will sing or dance. It was fun to see Kadris here, my first time.

Take care,


Thursday, 22 November 2007

Juta went to Glamis Castle and she had a brilliant time there.She saw the inside of the castle and in the dungeons. When Juta saw all the heads of animals on the walls she was terrifide of them! The reason she saw the heads on the walls was that Glamis Castle was a shooting lodge before it became a castle.

Juta also went to see all the wild life at Glamis like the highland cows and calves, espesially Toffee who is one of the famous highland cows, and is even mentioned in some books. She also went on a wander in the woods where all the lovely birds were tweeting like the Wood-pecker. She also took a strole in the beautiful gardens.
Juta had a lovely time at Glamis Castle and she made a new friend Toffee.

Glamis is in Angus or some may call it Forfarshire.

I send greetings for people in Estonia.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Juta & Fraser

On Wednessday 14th November.I Fraser, took Juta home but I had to go to after school rugby. So I took Juta with me and she joined in and scored a try.

On Thursday 15th November, I took her to Tae-Kwondo. She was fighting me and hitting pads. When I got home I was about to break a board she had to cover her eyes with her ears as she thought I was going to hurt myself.

On Friday 16thNovember. I took her to Cubs and we had fun and played games.

On Saturday 17th November she was so tired from the events on the past few days she just chilled out and talked to her new friends! Bye for now!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Murdo & Helen's friend birthday party!

I went at Helen's friend birthday party. Her friend held it at so called play room where I met a really huge bunny.

I wanted to swim but the sea is so freezing here at the moment so I decided to dive into the sea of balls. It was fun! Birthday party guests enjoyed it too.
By the way I ate a very delicious birthday cake here with strawberries and cream, yammy!

Here I am at Helen's home. These are my new friends. I promised to visit them again :)

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Juta first went to the Harvest festival at church and sat by all the vegetables and corn and gifts. Juta then went to the ice rink in Forfar to see my mum go curling. Juta sat on a curling stone on the ice! It was freezing! Juta came home with me and watched the Rugby World Cup! Juta then held my mini rugby ball. After the world cup Juta sat on my trombone, sat on the piano and behind a violin.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Murdo and Kristin!

Hi to everyone at home!

On Friday I went to Keila with Kristin. There was The English Day. I had a lot of fun and I'm happy that she took me with her.
On Sunday she cleaned up her room, so I met some guys too. We are friends now. I had a very lovely time!


Sunday, 11 November 2007

Murdo has arrived!

Dear fellows in Scotland!

I am here in Estonia at last. The trip was very long and tiresome. Mrs Laane picked me up in the post office on Monday and I was raffled to Kristin. She was so happy to get me because the whole class was expecting me, and they were worried where I had been so long. So, this week I am spending with her. You will hear what I saw and did with Kristin very soon.

Greetings from Estonia,

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Nessie has finally arrived!

Hello boys and girls!

I am happy to announce you all that I arrived to Estonia at last. It took me almost 2 months to get here. Mrs Laane brought me from post office on Monday. I was very excited because it was snowing here.
I am settleing in right now. Today I learnt how to write comments at bear blog with Mrs Laane's class. It was very interesting. Also I got to know that you were worried about me because you thought I was lost. And you sent 2 other bears look for me. But here I am :)
Talk to you soon! I am at Markus' place this week, so I have a lot to tell about later.

Your Nessie

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Juts At A Car Rally

Juta safely arrived in Scotland and sends many greetings to her friends in Estonia! She began her holiday by travelling about 200 miles around the country in a very old car! It was an "MG" and was built in 1931 so Juta had a very bumpy ride!

She was taken to some very beautiful parts of Scotland where she stopped by the peaceful silver lochs and had a picnic.

She spent a lot of time in the sunshine looking at the mountains of this new country.

Juta was also taken on a sailing trip around the Western Isles leaving from a town called Oban.

She was a Sadler 34 called "Ceol Na Mara " which means Music of the Sea in Gaelic.

Juta enjoyed steering the boat out into the Sound of Mull. The weather was very sunny and calm. During the whole trip Juta stayed in a beautiful hotel on the shores of Loch Leven. It was quiet and peaceful but we also had a very enjoyable party!

Juta drove all the way back to Dundee in the old car and was really excited about her first visit to Scotland! She hopes to tell you all about everything she sees and does very soon! Bye Bye for now to everyone at home!